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Kronus Studio Marketing

Organics Campaign

  • Creative and Marketing Director

  • Rebrand and website launch

  • We created a campaign using humor to make fun of the then current “Hipster/Brooklyn” atheistic of hand-made, organic, farm-to-table… everything

  • Using a mix of fashion accessories juxtaposed with actual “organic” items and situations, we used the text to tease that Kronus’ services were also “farm-to-table”

  • Goals for the campaign were brand relaunch, lead generation, increased visibility and social media and website traffic growth

  • The assets were used for website relaunch, direct mail, social media, digital advertising on trade websites and email marketing

  • During the 6 month campaign website traffic increased 50%, YoY business increased 60% and new client business increased 35%

Monochrome Campaign

  • Creative and Marketing Director

  • Website refresh

  • Direct mail campaign, email marketing, PDF download

  • Goals for the campaign were lead generation, increased visibility and social media and website traffic growth

  • The assets were used for our quarterly website refresh, direct mail, social media, digital advertising on trade websites and email marketing


Project Two